We are quite certain that you will very quickly realise that kiwis are extremely relaxed, but there are a few social guidelines you may not be familiar with.
1. Never sit on a surface used for preparing or eating food.
2. Keep to the left when walking on a footpath.
3. Kiwis are very friendly, don’t be afraid to smile or say a quick “hello” to passers-by.
4. Kiwis are used to wide-open spaces. We recommend respecting each other’s bubbles, so make the most of all the extra space.
5. Part of the kiwi charm is a great sense of humour which usually comes in the form of extreme sarcasm. Don’t take anything too seriously!
Maori Language – Travel edition
Te reo (Te reh-oh) – The Maori language
Kiaora (Key ah-aura) – Hello
Morena (More-ren-ah) – Good Morning
Nō… au (Nor… Oh) – I’m from…
Ka kite anō (Car key-te ah-nor) – See you again
Ka pai! (car pie) – Good work!
Aotearoa (Ah-or-te-ah-raw-ah) – New Zealand
Haere mai (High-reh my) – Welcome
Kei te pai (Kay te pie) – You’re welcome
Kai (Kah ee) – Food
Kia mihi (Key ah mi-he) – Thank you