
Australian Park
Emergency Procedures

Tasman Holiday Parks
Regional Operations Manager - NSWSpencer Watson0476 859 252
Regional Operations Manager - WAJason Ure0408 465 986
Regional Operations Manager - VIC & TASNick Braun0428 942 467
Regional Operations Manager - QLD NorthTim Maloney0476 864 065
Regional Operations Manager - QLD South & Northern NSWKathy Balodis0460 887 181
General Manager OperationsCorrie Milne0403 309 892
Chief Executive OfficerNikki Milne0409 272 373

Fire Emergency
– Code Red

If you discover a fire:

Remain calm, alert nearby persons by shouting “fire, fire!”

Remove people from danger – if safe to do so.

DO NOT put yourself in danger!

Call Emergency Services – Dial 000.

Notify the Chief Warden or Senior Management red of the location and size of the fire.

Attempt to extinguish the fire or contain fire by closing doors and windows, only if safe to do so.

Follow all directions given by Warden, Senior Management or Emergency Services.

Using an extinguisher:

When using an extinguisher, never let your path of exit get blocked
Select the right extinguisher and remember:

Using a Fire Extinguisher

– Code Orange

The over-riding importance when evacuating the site, is the safety of all persons including Staff, Residents and Guests.

Familiarise yourself with the site specific alarm or warning tone, which may be activated during an emergency evacuation. Air horns and alarm points, where fitted, are available in signposted locations displayed on the Evacuation Diagram posted around the facility.

If you hear the evacuation air horn or alarm and are instructed to evacuate:

Follow the instructions of your Warden/Management Rep and proceed to the closest Fire Exit.

Proceed to the Emergency Assembly Area. These are displayed on Evacuation Diagrams posted around the facility.

Check to ensure all your team members are present.
Inform the relevant Area Warden or Emergency Services if anyone is missing or unaccounted for.

Remain at the assembly area and await further instructions – DO NOT leave until you have been told to do so by either a Warden, Senior Management rep or member of the Emergency Services.

Medical Emergencies
– Code Blue

Medical emergencies vary in severity and can include life-threatening events, such as Cardiac Arrest.

Responding to a Medical Emergency:

Raise the alarm – call for a First Aid Officer or Management Representative.
Dial 000 for Emergency Services, as required.

The First Aid Officer or Management Rep will provide first aid, where possible and safe to do so.

Ensure the patient is never left alone.

First Aid Kit locations are displayed on site specific Evacuation Diagrams.

Basic Life Support:

DangerEnsure there is no immediate danger to yourself or other personnel.
ResponseIs the casualty responding? Are they conscious?
Send for HelpCall 000 for assistance and notify Management, Warden or Supervisor.
AirwayEnsure the airway is open and free of obstructions.
BreathingIf not breathing, give 2 rescue breaths and start CPR.
CompressionsGive compressions to 1/3 of chest depth - 30 compressions to
2 breaths.
DefibrillateIf a Defibriliator is available, attach it immediately and follow

External Emergencies
– Code Brown

External emergencies may include any or a combination of the following events: Storms/ Cyclones Flood Heat Waves Explosions (Nearby/on site – Gas, Fuel, Vapours etc.) Earthquake Preparation: In some cases, warnings may be issued by authorities in which case appropriate preparations can be made. For example; in case of storms etc. Please check that: Doors and windows are secure. Outdoor items are secure (to prevent them becoming potential missiles). Drains are not blocked. Items in low lying storage areas raised where required. Additional, site specific preparations may be required, based on the type of risk to the facility. Response: A decision will be made by the Operations Manager as to whether staff can resume normal duties. Part of or all of a facility may be closed for the duration of the emergency. Decisions regarding the management of these situations will need to be made on a case-by-case basis. You will be advised of any additional actions to undertake via Senior Management. Additional response may be coordinated through the Corporate Crisis Management Plan and other associated documents.

Personal Threat
– Code Black

This type of threat may be received by phone or in person and may include a threat to a staff memberʼs personal safety or the company overall.

Phone Threat:
In the event of threat by phone, complete the relevant sections of the ‘Bomb & Phone Threat Checklist’. (Available in the Emergency Plan and via the intranet).

All threats received at work MUST be communicated to the most senior person on site and to
police. A response should then be undertaken based on their advice.

DO NOT hang up the phone until advised by either Senior Management or the Police.

Threat by Person/s:
In the event of physical and/or personal threat, staff should not take any action that places themselves in further danger.
During the event, staff should undertake the following:

Remain calm.
Obey the offenders instructions and only do what is asked of you, nothing more.
DO NOT volunteer information.
Observe the characteristics of the offender/s.
When able, complete the relevant sections of the ʻOffender Description Formʼ.
If not directly involved in the incident, staff should undertake the following:

Stay out of danger.
Raise the alarm – call 000 and request Police response.
Notify the Chief Warden and Senior Management immediately.
Provide any first aid response, where safe to do so.
Relay all relevant details regarding type of situation, locations, who is involved etc.
If you observed the offender, complete the ʻOffender Description Formʼ.Await arrival of the Police and follow their directions.
Please note: ʻOffender Description Formʼ is available in the Emergency Plan and via the intranet.

Internal Emergencies
– Code Yellow

Internal Emergencies may include damage to or failure of the following:

Chemical Storage
Environmental Management systems

In the event of an internal emergency, notify the Chief Warden and Management of the type, location and size of the emergency, and follow their directions.

Electrical Supply:
Emergency exit lighting is fitted to all exit doors. Task lighting should also be provided in the event of an emergency. If loss of supply is for an extended period, preparations should be made to leave the building/s.

Contact your Operations Manager for further support.

Water Supply:
In the event of a leaking/burst pipe/fitting, the water will need to be shut off to allow repair.
In the event of loss of water supply, all taps should be turned off.

In the event of telephone system failure, mobile phones can be used for external contact.
Air Conditioning/Ventilation:

Conditions such as smoke and fumes may be a threat to the comfort of staff, Residents and Guests. In which case the Chief Warden or relevant Senior Management rep, shall take appropriate steps to manage the condition on a case by case basis.

Waste/Chemical Management:
In the event of a chemical spill, immediately inform your Supervisor and take appropriate action to control & contain the spill to prevent contaminants from entering drain or waterways.

Bomb Threat
– Code Purple

The immediate risk of a bomb/substance threat may not always be identified at the time of the event, however, ALL threats must be taken seriously until proven otherwise. All bomb/ substance threats must be reported to the Chief Warden and Senior Management immediately.

Phone Threat:
Remain calm.
DO NOT hang up the phone – engage the caller in conversation, wherever possible.
Clearly listen to what is being said and write down the details.
Obtain as much information as possible by completing the ʻBomb & Phone Threat Checklistʼ.
If possible, discreetly alert nearby staff as to the situation and call 000 from another phone line.
At the end of the call DO NOT hang up – keep the phone lines open.
Inform the Chief Warden and Management and act on their instructions.
Inform the Police and follow their instructions.
Notify Senior Management as soon as possible and follow their instructions.

Written Threat:
Immediately inform the Chief Warden and Senior Management.
Where possible, minimise the handling of the item/s. Every possible effort must be made to retain evidence such as fingerprints, handwriting or typewriting, paper and postmarks.
Place all pieces in a plastic bag and keep in a secure place.
DO NOT photocopy.
Identification of Suspect Article:

DO NOT touch or handle the article and move away from the immediate area.
Evacuate the area immediately and follow the evacuation procedures.
Immediately inform the Chief Warden and Senior Management, who may call 000 where required.
DO NOT operate any electrical device (including mobile phones) in the immediate area.
Act upon instructions from the Chief Warden and Senior Management.
Await the arrival of Police and follow their instructions.

Please note: ʻBomb & Phone Threat Checklistʼ is available in the Emergency Plan and via the intranet.